Build mobile Phone farming, how to make money, get income, how to automate tasks, automatic scripts Set up Box phone farm

Build mobile Phone farming, how to make money, get income, how to automate tasks, automatic scripts Set up Box phone farm

What is phonefarm and what is it used for?

“Phonefarm” refers to a system that utilizes multiple smartphone devices and performs tasks through automated software. Typically, these tasks include watching video ads, installing and using apps, participating in surveys, clicking on ad links, mining, etc. The main purpose of mobile farming is to use the computing power and networking capabilities of the device to earn rewards, points or virtual currency, thereby achieving financial gain. Here are some common uses:

1. Watch ads and participate in reward programs: Many apps and websites offer rewards for watching ads or participating in activities. Through mobile farming, you can run multiple devices at the same time to increase the number of views and participation opportunities, thereby earning more rewards.

2. Mining cryptocurrency: Some mobile phone farms are used to mine cryptocurrency. Although the computing power of mobile devices is low, certain profits can be generated through a large number of devices.

3. App installation and usage: Some marketing companies pay users to install and use their apps. Through mobile phone farms, a large number of installations and usage can be simulated to obtain more rewards.

4. Automated tasks: By writing scripts or using automation software, mobile farms can perform various automated tasks, such as likes, follows, comments and other social media interactions, to increase user influence or complete specific online tasks.

It should be noted that although mobile phone farms can bring certain economic benefits, there are also some legal and ethical issues. For example, using automated means to view ads or participate in activities may violate the Terms of Service and may also involve fraud. Therefore, you need to be cautious when using mobile farms and abide by relevant laws, regulations and platform rules.

Writing mobile phone farm scripts involves programming and automation technology, and usually requires mastering some programming languages and automation tools. Here is an overview of the basic steps for writing a mobile farm script:

1. Preparation
Hardware preparation
*Motherboard for multiple smartphone connections

*Complete set of empty boxes

*Contains a complete box of 20 units of mobile phone motherboard.
Stable internet connection

Software preparation
Programming Language: Python is a popular choice because of its powerful automation libraries.
Automation tools: such as Appium, ADB (Android Debug Bridge), Selenium, etc.
Development environment: such as PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, etc.
2. Install and configure the development environment
Install Python and required libraries
First, make sure you have Python installed. Then install the required libraries:

pip install Appium-Python-Client
pip install selenium
pip install uiautomator2
Install Appium
Appium is an open source tool for mobile application automation and can be installed via npm:

npm install -g appium
Start the Appium server:

3. Write automation scripts
Connect devices
Use ADB to make sure the device is connected and recognized:

adb devices
Write a sample script
Here is a simple Python script example that demonstrates how to use Appium to automate opening an app and performing some actions:

from appium import webdriver
import time

# Set Appium server parameters
desired_caps = {
'platformName': 'Android',
'platformVersion': '10', # Replace with your Android version
'deviceName': 'Android Emulator', # device name
'appPackage': '', # Replace with the package name of the target application
'appActivity': '.MainActivity', # Replace with the startup activity of the target application
'noReset': True

# Connect to Appium server
driver = webdriver.Remote('http://localhost:4723/wd/hub', desired_caps)

# Example operation: Wait for the application to start

# Example operation: click a button
button = driver.find_element_by_id('') # Replace with the actual button ID

#Example operation: enter text
text_field = driver.find_element_by_id('') # Replace with the actual text box ID
text_field.send_keys('Hello, World!')

# Close application
4. Extended scripts
Extend the script as needed to perform more tasks, for example:

Watch a video ad: Locate and click the ad video button and wait for the video to finish playing.
Install and use apps: Automatically search for, download and install apps in the app store, and then perform specified actions.
Automated tasks: such as automatically liking, commenting, or following social media accounts.
5. Execution and testing
Deploy scripts to each device, ensure scripts execute correctly, and debug and optimize as needed.

Legal and ethical issues: Make sure your operations comply with the platform’s terms of service and legal requirements.
Equipment maintenance: Running equipment in large quantities may cause overheating or hardware damage, requiring regular inspection and maintenance.
Through the above steps, you can start writing and running mobile farm scripts to automate tasks. However, relevant legal and ethical rules need to be kept in mind to avoid unnecessary risks.

How to earn money by watching ads and participating in rewards programs

There are several platforms that offer the opportunity to view ads and participate in rewards programs through which users can earn cash, gift cards, points, or other rewards. Here are some common revenue platforms:

1. Swagbucks
Functions: Watch videos, complete surveys, get cash back on purchases, try apps, etc.
Type of income: points (SB points), which can be exchanged for cash (via PayPal) or gift cards.
Platforms: Website, iOS and Android apps.
2. InboxDollars
Features: Watch videos, read emails, complete surveys, try games, and more.
Type of income: cash, you can withdraw cash or redeem gift cards after reaching a certain amount.
Platforms: Website, iOS and Android apps.
3. Perk TV
Functions: Watch video ads, take quizzes, try apps, etc.
Income type: Points (Perk Points), which can be redeemed for gift cards or PayPal cash.
Platforms: iOS and Android apps.
Functions: Download and try apps, watch advertising videos.
Earning type: Points (Nanas), which can be redeemed for gift cards or PayPal cash.
Platforms: iOS and Android apps.
Features: Download and try apps, watch video ads, complete surveys.
Earning Type: Points, redeemable for cash (via PayPal), gift cards, or Bitcoin.
Platforms: Website, iOS and Android apps.
6. CashPirate
Functions: Download and try apps, watch advertising videos, and participate in referral programs.
Earning type: Coins, which can be exchanged for cash (via PayPal) or gift cards.
Platform: Android App.
Function: Watch app trailers and advertising videos.
Earning type: AppTrailers Points, which can be redeemed for PayPal cash or gift cards.
Platforms: iOS and Android apps.
Function: Watch advertising videos and answer related questions.
Earning Type: Cash, earn $0.50 to $3 per ad.
Platforms: Website, iOS and Android apps.
9. Earnably
Functions: Watch videos, complete surveys, and participate in other online tasks.
Earning type: Points, redeemable for PayPal cash or gift cards.
Platforms: Website, iOS and Android apps.
10. PrizeRebel
Functions: Watch videos, complete surveys, and participate in various online tasks.
Earning type: Points, which can be redeemed for PayPal cash or gift cards.
Platform: website.
How to maximize returns
Multi-platform participation: Use multiple platforms at the same time to maximize your benefits.
Check tasks regularly: Different platforms will update tasks regularly to ensure you don’t miss any reward opportunities.
Referral programs: Many platforms offer referral rewards, and you can get additional benefits by inviting friends to join.
Automation scripts: If allowed (make sure it is legal and does not violate platform regulations), use scripts to automate tasks.
Through these platforms, you can earn rewards by watching ads and participating in various online tasks. Please be careful to abide by the terms of use of each platform to avoid account bans.

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